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Manage Users
Updated over a week ago

There are three different levels of roles on you dashboard :

  • Auditor: Read-only access on all data

  • Standard: Read+write access to all features except Users management, Sub-organizations management, Global settings & integrations

  • Org. Admin: Tenant administration role with access to Users management, Sub-organizations management, Global settings & integrations

During your onboarding phase we will ask you to provide us with the main users that should have access to your dashboard.

Following this stage and if you have a Org. Admin role, you will be able to add new users from your account whenever you wish.

To do so, go to the Organization tab then Users.

Once on this page, select New user in the top right corner then fill out the information of your new users including which organization(s) he should have access to as well as the role he should have and click on Create.

From this window you can also select the organization where the user should be added (if necessary).

If you have several users to add at once, you can add them with a csv import by clicking on Import and uploading your csv file. To make sure you have the correct format, make sure to download the template file.

To add an existing user to a specific organizations, go to Organization then Users and click on their email address.

On the user page, click the +👤 next to the organization where it should be added.

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